Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why Do We Keep All That Stuff?- Part II

All the things that we accumulate are in our houses for a reason. Some things have emotional value and some have monetary value. Here are some of the monetary reasons.

*I paid good money for that! That may be the case, but is that outdated three piece suit really doing you any good? Could you use the space that the dust covered item is taking up? If you haven’t used it in years, it’s time to let it go. You may have paid good money for it, but what value is it to you now. Give it away or sell it to someone who may actually use it.

*I got a good deal on it. Okay, but what is it doing for you now? Is it still useful to you?

*I may use it again one day. Honestly, if you haven’t used it in years, you probably won’t.

*It may come back in style. Yes it may. Most things eventually do. Are you willing to wait? Has it been more than two years since you wore that outfit? If so, couldn’t you use the space more?

*I can get more money for it if I wait and sell it. That’s not a bad reason. If you intend to get rid of something by selling it, take it out and put it in a box or bag. Go ahead and start the ball rolling to get the items sold. If you can’t find the time, go ahead and donate them.

Why are you keeping that? All of the above reasons may be good ones. However, if you are ready to organize your home, one of the first steps is getting rid of clutter. It’s time to stop making excuses and start purging our homes of things we don’t need.

For great home organization tips, visit http://practicalhomeorganization.com/ and get your free report "Practical Home Organization Tips to Save Time and Sanity"

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