Friday, May 23, 2008

Help For Dirty Laundry

Laundry is inevitable. One thing I used to get so frustrated about was the never ending piles of laundry all over my house. It seemed I would finish all the laundry one day and by the next morning, a new pile had somehow popped up. I decided that getting aggravated every time I opened the laundry room door wasn’t going to help. The best thing for me to do was somehow organize it better and stay on top of it.

One thing that helps is to put the laundry in the proper places every time you are finished with it. Don’t leave a blouse hanging over a chair in your bedroom or on the bed. If you only wore it a couple of hours, hang it up and let it air out for an hour or two. Then put it back in the closet. If your kids are old enough, give them the responsibility of putting the laundry where it goes. Leaving it on the bedroom floor or in the bathroom is just another problem for you. Are towels and washcloths on the bathroom floor a problem? Have a hamper in the bathroom just for those. It sounds simple, but it can help immensely.

If you have small children, it helps to do a quick sweep of the house before bedtime. I know how hectic bath time can be. You may easily forget to put the laundry where it needs to go. Before bed or first thing in the morning, walk through and pick up any clothes or linens and put them where they belong.

Where do they belong? If possible, have a hamper in each of your children’s rooms or in their bathroom. You can use a portable hamper with wheels or handles. Using one that has a removable liner is helpful too. It will be easier to transport to the laundry room. In your laundry room, have as many separate hampers as possible to keep from having to sort as much. There are inexpensive collapsible hampers. If you have a small laundry room, a hamper on wheels may be a good idea. You can find some that already come with separate bags to help sort your laundry. Be creative. If you have a two-story house, is there any way to engineer a laundry shoot from the bathroom directly to the laundry room or basement?

Getting your family to help put laundry in the correct places as they use them and using a little ingenuity can help decrease your laundry woes. We should always remember amid all the dirty laundry that we are blessed to have these clothes to wear.

For more great tips, visit and get your free report, "Home Organization Tips to Save Time and Sanity."

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