Saturday, May 10, 2008

Organizing Your Car

My car is like an extension of my home. I am sure it is that way for most people. With two small children, it’s almost as if I have to pack half of the house to go anywhere. With car seats, toys, snacks, books, groceries, and other things, sometimes my car gets so full, I can’t even see the floor boards. To get in my car and see it neat and clutter free is a great feeling. Besides being a nuisance, clutter in a car can also be dangerous. Anything lose can become a flying object in an accident. Just like our homes, ours cars should be kept organized and clutter free to promote ease and safety.

If you have children, you know how much it takes to go anywhere. Toys, snacks, diapers and wipes for babies and toddlers are a must. As kids get older, the necessities become games, ball gear, dance gear, and many other things. Here are a few tips to keep it all in check.

*For little ones, it’s okay to keep a couple of toys in the car. A drawstring bag is great for keeping soft toys, which are much safer for a car.

*Magazines and books can be placed in the pockets on the back of the seats. There are even pockets you can buy that attach to the seats that will add extra room to store things.
Other car organizers are available for those who need to keep a lot of things in their cars. Just be sure to only keep what you need.

* Lots of cars today come with extra storage compartments in the console. If your car doesn’t have these, use a small plastic container with a lid. You can keep wipes, hand wash, facial tissue, pens, small trash bags etc… in it. This can be store in the passenger floorboard or under the seat.

*Use the small trash bags to clean out your car every time you get back home.

*Keep a small waste basket or recycling bins in your garage to quickly dispose of the trash.

* Keep your glove compartment free of clutter so that you can find important information quickly. This includes insurance information, manuals and registration.

Our cars are an important asset to our lives. Keeping them neat and organized will make things much easier for us and our families. Safety is first priority in a car, and keeping it clutter free is a great way to make it safer.

For more great tips, visit for a free report, "Home Organization Tips to Save Time and Sanity."

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