Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Organizing Beauty Products

Beauty products are something that most women love to collect. It’s not intentional, but this collection can eventually become a huge mess. My two weaknesses are lotions and hair products. At times, I have had so many that when I finally decided to organize them, I found stuff I forgot I had! A few simple steps to organize these products can make your beauty routine faster and you will even find you have more room.

The first thing to do is take all of your beauty and hygiene products out of the cabinets and drawers, and put different type items into separate piles. Some examples are:
Make-up, lotions, hair removers, perfumes and body mists, feminine hygiene products, hair products, bath products, etc…
When I did this, I found tons of samples I never used. I told myself, “I may use them one day.” That day never came. If you haven’t used your free samples, throw them away! Now, go through each pile and toss out any expired or unusable items. If an item is still good, but you don’t use it, try to think of a friend who may want it. You know the old saying, “to each her own.” Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t.

There are lots of organizers made for small spaces. A container of small drawers is great to store make-up, fingernail clippers, files and other small things. Keep this in your bathroom cabinet or even on your make-up table. To store bottles like lotions and hair products, use plastic containers to keep each type separated. Items that are used often can be stored on a decorative wall shelf or in a cute tray on your table. There are also wall shelves that hold hair dryers and curling irons.

Using a shower organizer over the shower head or in the corner of the tub is a great way to keep shampoo, body wash, shaving cream and razors out of your way. My husband used to hate it when a swipe of the elbow or shower curtain would cause a domino effect of bath products.

These few tips helped me organize a massive amount of goods. Now I have a neat way of keeping them organized. I can always find exactly what I am looking for. Maybe now you can too.

For more great home organization tips, check out my site http://practicalhomeorganization.com/ and get your free report, "Practical Home Organization To Save Time and Sanity."

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