Saturday, May 24, 2008

Help For Dirty Laundry - Sorting

Although we are thankful for the clothes we wear, those big piles of dirty, smelly laundry are no fun. Perhaps a new and more organized way of sorting would help.

It may depend on the size of your laundry room as to how you are able to sort the laundry. If possible, have a separate hamper for each load you normally wash. We are going to have to separate the laundry one way or another. If we put the laundry into separate hampers as we finish using it, then all we have to do is wash the contents. No sorting is involved. An example would be whites, dress clothes, dark linens, white linens, play clothes. You get the idea. Remember, if your laundry room is small, you can keep hampers in your kids’ rooms and the bathrooms. Once you have your new system set up, explain it to your family. They may not like it at first, but it will make doing the laundry so much easier. If it helps, fasten or tape labels to each basket to help your family put things where they should go.

To prevent wrinkles, take the clothes out of the dryer as soon as it stops. If hanging clothes outside is a possibility, try it. It helps air out the wrinkles and saves on electricity.

Make your laundry room easily accessible. Put up shelving if possible to store all your detergents and stain removers. Leave hangers in the laundry room to make putting up the clothes quicker.

Hopefully these few things can help ease the burden of laundry. It sounds so simple, but a few changes could go a long way. Laundry will always be there. The headache that it causes doesn’t have to be.

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