Thursday, June 5, 2008

Home Organization Tips - No Time To Clean

Whew, what a busy week it has been. I have had my brother’s two children every day this week plus my two. Mine are 1 and 3, and his are 5 and 7. My hat goes off to my mother who had 5. I have worked in my yards quite a bit this week. My flower beds were in dire need of some attention. The temperature wasn’t that bad when I started around 9:00, but by 10:30, I was already drenched in sweat. That’s right, not perspiration, sweat! To top it off, I have been helping in Vacation Bible School at church from 6:00pm-8:30pm. It’s been fun, but if you have ever done that, you know how tiring it can be. With all this going on this week, the inside of my house has been somewhat neglected.

I have washed clothes and dishes and that is about it. There just hasn’t been enough time or energy, at least not at the same time! The nice thing though, is that it won’t be that difficult to get things back into shape. That’s what is great about having an organized home. If things get left undone for a few days, it is easier to whip it back in to shape. Sometimes, you just can’t do it all. Regardless of what society tries to tell us, we can’t be superwoman all the time. Something’s gotta give. This week, it was my housework.

I am actually surprised that with the little bit I have done inside, the house doesn’t really look that bad. Having a place for everything makes it easier to quickly put everything where it needs to go. Having my cleaning supplies handy for the different bathrooms and kitchen means I don’t have to run from room to room collecting them. Teaching my children to help pick up their toys helps me quickly clear the floors for vacuuming and mopping. Before I know it, things are looking pretty spiffy again.

No, with four young children in the house, it doesn’t always stay that way. That’s OK. Kids need to be kids. However, with an organized home, it doesn’t bother me as much. I know it won’t be too hard to clean it up.

For some great home organization tips, visit,

and pick up your free report, “Practical Home Organization Tips to Save Time and Sanity.”

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