Saturday, June 14, 2008

Home Organization Tips - Keep Your Priorities Straight

I have had quite another week. My sisters, sisters-in-law and I tried to get a family portrait done of all my 13 nieces and nephews. They range in age from 16 months (my daughter) to my 17 year old niece. This is for my parents and we didn’t know when or if we would get to have another one made. My sister and her family live over 8 hours away and don’t get home that often. It turned out that it stirred up some trouble.

The issue of their clothes came up. Not to hurt anyone, but to point out, I guess, that some of the kids didn’t wear what was discussed or planned. That small comment turned into a bitter debate between my sister and one of my sisters-in-law. Some words were said that have hurt about having to have everything perfect. Things were said about having homes where kids could not be kids and putting material possessions ahead of children. Accusations were made about decorating and nice things being too important.

None of these things were true, and apologies have been made. It did however make me think. With all the organization, cleaning and decorating, we all need to be careful to make sure our families come first. Even though the accusations I mentioned earlier were bogus, it can be easy to let our projects and hobbies get out of order on our priorities list. Our children and our spouses come first. Their needs, even if they just want to spend time with us, should be more important than anything else.

This is why we need to take our home organization project step by step, one day at a time. It is a wonderful thing to do. Having an organized home is such a great way to actually have more time to spend with our families. However we don’t want to push them away in order to get it accomplished. We also don’t want it to be a place where our families can’t relax and just be at home. Be patient with yourself and your family. In time, those projects will get done. It may take a little longer than we you had planned, but at least you won’t miss any of the important things along the way.

For some great home organization tips, visit and receive your free report, “Practical Home Organization Tips to Save Time and Sanity.”

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